Club Changer of the Year
In 2022 we started on a new journey to become the best club we possibly could. We embraced Football Australia's new Club Changer program which was about building a strong and resilient club, creating a welcoming and inclusive culture and providing a positive environment for players, coaches, volunteers and officials.
While undertaking the modules of the program, we reviewed every aspect of our club. As a 100% volunteer organisation it can be very hard to do the basics without cutting corners but we strived to be the best we can. 12 months later this was recongised by Football Australia and we were awarded their innugural Club Changer Club of the Year award.
We continue to strive to be the best we can and we were one of the very first clubs in Australia to be awarded the level 2 Club Changer status. We continue to work to be an inclusive and progressive club and we would love for you to join us on our journey.