


Match Information
Round 8
SJFC Summer Soccer
Wednesday, 29th Nov 2023
07:40 pm
Field 1F

Field Duty
No allocated field duty. Please check your field at least 15 minutes before you game to ensure the field was correctly setup from the game before you.

Placeholder until the new maps are built

Introduce yourself to the other team organiser before kick off. Make a plan for if one team is significantly more dominate

Duration: 20 Minute Halves
Halftime: 5 Minutes
Match starts and ends at buzzer
No additional time given for late starts
Be ready to play at your scheduled start time

A referee should be provided for most games
If a referee doesn't turn up, 1 parent to ref the game

No kicks from hands of goal keeper
Restart play after a save from a;
throw/roll or
kick from ground

Defending team back to halfway on goal kicks

No Offside
Referee to encourage to stay onside

If a team is dominating, adjust the rules to make the game more fun (Referees Discretion)
-Additional players on the field
-Pass 5 times before scoring
-Don't attack until they pass half way
-Maximum 3 touches before pass/shoot
-Allow goal keeper to kick from hands