Every year at the start of the season we send out an email with the field training schedule. We will ask you to nominate times for your team and we try to accommodate all requests. If you would like to book more time throughout the season then please email [email protected]

The coach or manager must sign the team sheet and ensure all players that are playing are signed on. For home games the team sheets are next to the canteen. It is your responsibility to ensure you find the team sheet at away games as well. Once the game is finished you will need to record the score on the team sheet and sign it. 

As a coach you will be provided with shirts for the team and a game ball. These are the coach/managers responsibility.

If the sheds are open then you can pull out more equipment. If you need any help then please contact us and we will point you in the right direction. 

We have a wonderful coach coordinator. You can email [email protected] and request assistance with training plans or any other questions you may have as a coach.

If you are having issues with parents then please contact us. If it is on game day then find one of the committee members (wearing yellow) and we will be able to assist you. Our main focus is to ensure all our players and volunteers are safe. 

Keep an eye on this website and Facebook for home games. You can also visit the Field Status page for links to local council grounds. 

We will post information as soon as we can on Facebook and this website. It is best if you contact all players on your team to ensure they are aware that the game is cancelled. 

As a coach or team manager it is your responsibility to ensure that someone is there to lead the team. If you are unable to attend on game day then please organise with one of the other parents to take on the duties for the day. If you are having trouble getting someone to step in then contact us and we can assist with finding someone.

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